Seminar on Introduction of Joint Lab and opportunities for local SME for Aircraft Cabin Interior Components
A seminar was organized by A*STAR’s Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology (SIMTech) in conjunction with Singapore Airlines (SIA), SIA Engineering Company (SIAEC) on 17 October, to announce the R&D Joint Lab for Local Ecosystem Development for Aircraft Cabin Interior Components.
The afternoon seminar held at Fusionpolis Innovis was to showcase the development of technologies in design and manufacturing for Aircraft Cabin Interior Components, explore business opportunities, and help attendees gain a better understanding of the specifications and requirements that were needed with real use cases sharing.
Creatz3D was among the exhibitors as they engaged with attendees about the possibilities and potential of 3D printing with actual 3D printed parts on display like a spare newspaper holder developed by China Eastern Airlines.
For any inquiries about additive manufacturing and 3D printing solutions under Creatz3D, you can email or call (65) 6631 8555.