Aerospace Focus Group (Post Event)
On 1st October 2014, Creatz3D and Stratasys jointly organized an aerospace focus group to share about how additive manufacturing can enable designs to become a tangible model within a short period of time, as well as how 3D printing can be applied in the aerospace industry.
Over 50 individuals signed up for the event and many left with the knowledge on how 3D printing can revolutionize the way they deliver products in near future.
Speakers on that day were, from Stratasys, Country Manager Gary Ng, Pre-sales and Application Manager Stanley Leung, Senior Manager, Manufacturing Solutions Sales Ryan Sybrant and Creatz3D General Manager Sean Looi.
(photo: Creatz3D)
Many attendees were amazed by the potential of additive manufacturing and what it can do for them. The participants were treated to insights on how 3D printing is being used as end-use products in aerospace industry currently, at half the cost and effort.
(photo: Creatz3D)
Creatz3D is glad to see more people having the interest on how rapid prototyping can help in their field. We would like to thank the attendees that came and for making this focus group a success.
Drop us an email at or call (65) 6631 8555 for any enquires.