White Paper – Metal 3D Printing for Machine Design

For simplicity, speed, and most importantly cost in machine design, machine designers strive to use as many off-the-shelf components as possible. Invariably, though, some parts must be custom-made – and therein lies most of the challenge with typical CNC machining processes which are often costly and labor-intensive.

It is key to ensure machines run efficiently, produce consistent results and can be easily repaired or replaced as components inevitably wear out or break over time. This is where 3D printing comes into play as it dramatically simplifies the process of creating custom parts faster and at lower costs than machining.

3D Printing with Machine DesignIn this 6-page eBook put together by Desktop Metal, learn to rewrite the rules of what’s possible with metal 3D printing :

  • Understand the challenges faced by machine designers with CNC machining
  • How Desktop Metal resolves the challenges of traditional manufacturing and existing AM technologies
  • Why Metal 3d Printing opens the door to create parts with greater geometric complexity
  • Discover 4 Key Use Cases for machine design

Download FREE eBook

To learn how your parts will work with Desktop Metal Systems, contact our sales engineers for an in-depth discussion to better understand your requirements – via the contact forminfo@creatz3d.com, or call +65 6631 8555.

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