Creatz3D x Stratasys PolyJet/FDM 3D printers trade in promotion

Looking to do more than what you can do with your existing Stratasys 3D printers, or looking for an upgrade to adapt to your changing needs?

There’s no better time than now to gain the edge in your design process by trading in your existing Stratasys 3D printers, and gain massive savings of UP TO 30% OFF existing retail prices.

F123 Material Change1) Trade-in your existing FDM or PolyJet printers for the F370 or F270

With the world’s most reliable industrial-grade 3D printers – F370 or F270, you can print everything from fast, low-cost concepts to robust assemblies.

With a 110° patented heat chamber to prevent warping issues and part accuracy within +/- 0.2mm,  you can get non-stop printing at 100% engineering-grade accuracy and output. Repeatedly. Every time.

Choose from up to six different materials, including TPU 92APLAABS-M30, ASA, and PC-ABS (F370 only) with QSR water-soluble support material.

Material costs for the F270 and F370 are about half the price of Legacy printing materials.
Realize your ROI quicker with better results.

Accepted models for this trade-in offer include:

FDM-2000/3000/8000, mojo, uPrint, Dimension, F250mc

Alaris 30, Objet24, Objet30, Objet30 Prime, Objet30 Pro

2) Upgrade to a J8 Series 3D Printer and get 20% 25% OFF

Achieve real design realism with the support of over 500,000 expansive color combinations and PANTONE Color validation.

With the Stratasys J8 series, you gain:

⚫️ Two new materials
DraftGrey™ to produce concept models fast and VeroUltraClear for high clarity with outstanding transparency.

⚫️ Additional material capacity
Print 7 materials simultaneously and limit downtime with the new, more efficient 4kg cartridge.

⚫️ Accelerate your workflow
Print up to four times faster than Eden/Connex and twice as fast than the current J750 High-Speed Mode.

Click for Product Information

Accepted models for this trade-in offer include:

Alaris 30, Objet24, Objet30, Objet30 Prime, Objet30 Pro
Eden/Connex/C123 260, 350, 500 & J7-Series Chassis

Fortus 360mc, 400mc, 380mc, 450mc, 900mc

3) Upgrade to a J8 Series or J55 3D Printer and get 20% 25% OFF + 10 Cartridges

Achieve real design realism with the support of over 500,000 expansive color combinations and PANTONE Color validation.

With Stratasys PolyJet technology, the entire design process is simplified right from the beginning as workflows are streamlined at every step, from rough prototypes to high-fidelity final models.

If you’re looking for full-color 3D printing at the elbow of your design team, J55 is it. If you’re looking for a more industrial design series to support higher capacity, look to the J8 Series.

With the right tools, designers can do what they do best.

J8 Series Product Information

J55 Product Information

Accepted models for this trade-in offer include:

CJP or MJP 3D Printers

This time-limited promotion ends on 15 December, 2020, so ACT now!

*Terms and conditions apply and are at our discretion.

Contact your local sales representative, give us a call at our general hotline +65 66318555, or email us at You can also submit the form below to indicate your interest.

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